
Violations of policy and/or unlawful behavior may result in the involvement of the user’s local department, the College, or local/state/federal law enforcement, as appropriate.

Any user’s access to College of Engineering (CoE) IT resources may be suspended on an emergency basis in order to protect the security and integrity of the CoE IT environment.

The policies in this document are subject to the interpretation of CoE staff. CoE staff reserve the right to modify these policies at any time. By accessing CoE IT resources, you agree to abide by these policies.

Access and Usage


CoE accounts are created for faculty, staff, students, researchers, and postdocs within the College of Engineering at UC Santa Barbara. Access for invited guests, affiliate researchers (etc.) may be arranged by the College. Access to CoE IT resources by others is prohibited (with the exception of access to our world-wide-web servers by conventional, authorized means). Unauthorized access to CoE IT resources is prohibited by California law.
CoE accounts and credentials must not be shared or disseminated. If the security of any CoE account is compromised (or suspected to be so), the user must notify CoE staff immediately.

Academic Use

CoE resources are to be used for academic purposes only. CoE resources may not be used to violate any departmental, College, or University policies. CoE resources may not be used to violate any local, state, or federal laws. CoE resources may not be used to access networks or resources in any external organizations in a manner that is prohibited by those external organizations.

Access Restrictions

Only authorized devices are permitted on the CoE network. Placing unauthorized devices on the CoE network or using network configurations/resources/addresses not assigned to you is strictly prohibited.

All users are expected to respect and protect the security and integrity of the CoE IT environment. This includes notifying IT staff of security issues, misconfigurations, or human error resulting in unauthorized access to resources. To this end, all users should be aware that the ability to access a resource does not necessarily mean that such access is authorized or intended. If a user finds themselves able to access resources to which they believe they should not have access, they should immediately terminate that access and notify IT staff.

Data Security and Privacy

Responsibility for Data Security and Backups

The College of Engineering makes all reasonable efforts to protect the data in its care. However, the College is not responsible for any loss of data or loss of privacy, regardless of cause. All users should arrange to back up their own data and should contact CoE staff for assistance if necessary.

Data is Public Record

In accordance with California law, all data housed on University computers is considered public record. Users are advised not to house personal or sensitive materials on any University computer.

Administrative Access to Data

In order to safeguard and manage the CoE IT environment, CoE IT staff may access, modify, or remove data stored on any UC-owned systems. In such circumstances, to the greatest extent possible, care will be taken to respect the integrity of the data and the user’s privacy.


Unless otherwise stated or covered by prior copyright, all data housed on CoE systems is copyright the University of California and/or its authoring members and redistribution without explicit permission is prohibited.

Instructional Lab Policies

In addition to all policies above, please be aware that the following are prohibited in CoE Computing/Instructional Labs:
  • Food and drinks.
  • Animals/pets.
  • Parking of vehicles (bicycles, scooters, etc.).
  • Tampering with or disabling equipment or physical security devices (locks, alarms, etc.)
  • Behavior that is disruptive to other users of the lab.

Idle and/or locked sessions may be logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity.

The instructions of a Systems Administrator or Lab Monitor must be observed at all times.

Note: Storing data on the local drives of lab computers is not advised. The local filesystems of CoE lab computers are wiped regularly and without warning during routine maintenance. Please store your work and data to remote locations (your mounted home directory, network shares, Google Drive, etc.).